Friday, February 19. 2010
Winter Break, Day 5!
And the excitement builds! Hard work was done to get the field ready to play Breakaway! And there are activities everywhere to get ready for the Rochester Rally. Thanks to Parentor Sharon for being the noon mentor today so the students could arrive and work.
What we had for Dinner! It’s pasta night! Thank you to Quentin’s family! Baked ziti some with meat and some without! A deluxe tossed salad (cherry tomatoes and cucumber slices make it deluxe), and garlic bread or regular bread. Dessert was iced cookies and iced brownies, some were mint flavored!
Here is the quick report since there is so much to do!
Parentor Val has just about finished the signs, Parentor Sharon was proctoring game tests while managing a crew of button makers. (Another student got a 100% on the game test! Way to go Vaughn!)
Team Leader Larry made a special announcement about our shirts at dinner! They are here! Parentor Lee coordinated getting them ready for distribution! Actually there is something else about the shirts that you should know…hmmm.
And look! Mentors-from-afar Kim and Angry Eric are here! They’ve come from Boston for the Rally weekend! Kim has a huge to-do list waiting for her and Eric had already had a peek at the programming!
And where is the robot? Is it finished? Will it work? When I arrived there was a huge pile of people around it, but it is still sitting on the table. The scoop, it is finished enough that the programmers actually got to run some preliminary code with it. But not finished enough to be finished.
But tonight we have permission to stay here all night! I’m sure I won’t make it! But while there is work to do, I’m sure someone will be!
Speaking of work to do! I have some so I’m leaving you with…
The Photo of the Day! And Guess what? Just for fun, there are three photos!