Thursday, January 30. 2014
Not sure you’ve noticed, but the last two blog photos have featured our Team Captain, Mo, wearing a box on his head. This brought back memories of our first Team Leader, Kim, a long time ago!
So in honor of our 10th year, for throw back Thursday, here is photo of Kim wearing a box! 😃
And this weekend is full of traditions from the early years – Ice Cream for Breakfast Day is Saturday morning, and Breakfast for Dinner is Saturday night.
And we are in the middle of our “Souper Bowl” Food Drive – this year with a mini competition between 1511 and our FTC Team Oncoming Storm (6996) to see who can bring in the most food items to donate to the Penfield Food Shelf.
It is fun to be on a team with so many traditions to ground us while having a chance to make new memories and spread our wings! That’s why we like to say, The Thunder just keeps getting louder!