Our last season ended on a high, we won a Regional Chairman’s Award! But soon after, we were shut down by the ongoing pandemic. Though last year’s season came to a physical end, we haven’t stopped meeting since last March. We’ve changed the way we meet as we haven’t been able to hold in-person meetings, but we continue to hold virtual team meetings every week as well as sub-team and special project meetings throughout our time apart. I am incredibly proud of all the effort our team has put into keeping us running and striving to be our best.

The start of a new season is approaching, and we are preparing by holding some of our typical sub-team meetings (like our Marketing and Outreach sub-teams), but we are also working on our new sub-teams, Game Design and Infinite Recharge at Home, as a result of the release of different FIRST challenges for this season. Our competition season will undoubtedly look different, but we will continue to strive to be our best, regardless of the circumstances. I can’t wait to see what this year has in store for us!

– Nicole L. (1511 Team Captain)


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