Wednesday, January 19. 2011
Hello! This is student blogger Kyle!
Tonight’s dinner was provided by Student Tom M’s family! It was five sheet pizzas each with different toppings. Along with the pizza was salad and cookies for dessert!
There was a lot of work going on tonight! Everywhere you turned someone was deep into a project.
New Student Gabe, who is with the mechanical sub-team, was working in Inventor designing different mini-bot deployment methods, and Mike M. who is also part of mechanical was “BUSY.” (He is working on putting together another mini-bot prototype.)
Matt M. of the drivetrain sub-team was sending part designs to Mentor Amy at Harris for manufacture.
Matthieu and Mentor Dean are working on the signal lights for the human player and they had a pretty fancy looking design on inventor.
Mentor Eric was getting a head start on controls by looking up different joysticks.
Liz was building a 12″x 12″x 12″ box to conceal the mini-bot in.
Down in the “field shop,” Jason described what they were working on by saying, “Sniffing PVC, Primer, and Glue. Yum!”
Vaughn was tackling Inventor (which proved to be no match for Vaughn as he had a mighty design on his screen).
Also we had some special visitors tonight. A few students and mentors from Charles Finney’s FIRST Robotics Team stopped in! Mentor Jeff was busy at work helping them.
It was great to see all the work tonight since competition season is quickly approaching!