Sunday, January 23. 2011
Student Leader Crystal reporting…
It’s a hello to week three, and a good-bye to week two! Today was a very light day where most of our team members worked on CAD drawings. The designs look fantastic on screen, and hopefully with work like a charm when they are in 3-D.
Our flights have been booked for St. Louis (in high hopes that we will qualify this competition season), thanks Larry!
Stellar student Mo and his family brought in pizza & wings for lunch. And Brownies. And Cookies.
Mentor Cynette ordered our bumper fabric, and Parent “Momma Drake” has been browsing for new t-shirts we’ll purchase with our new student designed logo. Lots of work today also on the game test. It is almost ready!
Down the in the cafeteria, field sub-team worked like busy bees to wrap up the brand new alliance station walls & tables – they look fantastic! Rally will definitely have a great look this year. Half of our drive-train has been assembled with wheels and a motor, the other half has yet to make it on. It has been painted a lovely shade of black. And then we watched the paint dry. 😀
Dinner tonight was provided by Alex C. and his wonderful family who brewed up a delicious tortilla soup, with a meaty and a veggie version. There was also a side choice of salad, and for dessert, awesome cookies and cheesecake sopapilla!
The wonder Team Leader, Larry created several lists that categorized: things to do/work on (besides the robot), robot weight watchers & possible robot names. We are naming both the minibot as well as the big bot. Here are the ideas so far: Thunder Mammoth and Mini Mammoth, Über Thunder and Mini Blitz, Thunder and Lightning, Donner and Blitzen, Über 9000 and Über Jr., The Perfect Storm and El Niño, Supercell and Microburst, Big Penguin and Little Penguin, and big bot names without mini names yet: Astraphobia, Logophobia, Logo-motive and ThunderTube.