Thursday, January 27. 2011
Team Captain Crystal here, again!
It’s our last day of “lock-down” mode, and I can’t wait until we’re free again! Since Tuesday evening, everything has been a little more difficult to do! Everyone eats dinner in a cluttered sit/stand position, and when we work it gets really crowded – nothing like the pits though! 😀
Tonight, we enjoyed a tasty dish of meatballs & rice with bread, broccoli & carrots, and one of the team’s favorite desserts: ICE CREAM! 😀 Thank you to Matthieu’s family!
Mentor Cynette presented our “Safety Thursday” tip of the night, sharing notes from the FRC Safety Manual. She quizzed us on the three safety awards and talked about robot design safety! Remember to file sharp edges and watch for pinch points and stored energy!
Integration shortly followed after and each team presented their progress. Our entire robot has been assembled in inventor! You can check all the notes from tonight on the wiki thanks to Parentor Val! In summary though, it looks like everything has start to come together, and our drivetrain will be completed tonight. Mechanical (Arm Group) has fabricated parts to be assembled for the prototype test and decision, and the mini-bot team has also begun to put parts together.
Everyone has been working really hard to do as much as possible, and we’ve been here every night up to the minute of close doing our best to complete anything and everything we can, and clean up like little elves.