Tuesday, January 29. 2013
First, another congratulations to the Drive Train subteam for finishing the first Drive Train!
In order to work at an accelerated pace, the CAD-related subteams have moved to G4. As such, I am no longer going to ask them about their progress because it’s distracting. The Wiki should contain plenty of information on Mechanical’s status. Good luck to Mechanical!
Electrical has finished sensor selection and qualified sources have assured me it was very fun.
Programming is working on the code for our new drive train right now.
The 2013 Game Test and 2013 Tools Test are now open! Everyone should start studying! The Tools Test is exactly the same as last year but if it isn’t broken you don’t fix it.
The control subteam is waiting on their parts to arrive but once they’re here they should be able to assemble the controls very at lightning speed.
Marketing is working very hard on seriously important things, such as the business plan and our new team shirts design.