Monday, February 11. 2013
The team is still behind schedule due to a mid-day blizzard that caused us to miss a day (Said day was when I intended to write this update). The storm was dissapointing since the entire team was spending time getting seriously important stuff done up until that point.
The students and mentors are lavishing attention on the robot right now, and while we’re not going as fast as we wanted to we should have the robot finished close to on time. The Drive Train and Bumpers are operational and the climber has been added on. Currently we just need to finish and attach the shooter, get motors on the climber, and wire the whole thing up. Then we will have a completed robot!
The control team has all of their needed parts and only needs to assemble and paint their namesake peripheral now.
Programming has finished everything that they can do without a completed robot.
When I went to ask, the students working on Chairman’s said that they are making slow but steady progress. I did not bother to get extra details.