Saturday, February 4. 2017
We celebrate this day every year by piling in early in our PJs with buckets of ice cream, then bring in all our frying pans, waffle makers, and skillets to make breakfast for dinner. We have waffles, bacon, sausage, more bacon, pancakes, some more bacon, scrambled eggs, and everything in between as we fill the science hallway with the smell of bacon (which usually doesn’t go away for a couple days and really confuses all of the students when they come back to school on Monday). Some years we blow a fuse or two, but hopefully that won’t happen tonight!

You can see some pictures of our shooter below. The lefts shows two pictures of our wooden prototype, complete with motors and wiring, and the right shows the CAD model for our final shooter assembly. As you can see, we actually did decide to go through with the shooter design where it shoots three balls at a time.

Our electrical team has been doing some work on the control panels for the drivebase and shooter while they wait for more components to be assembled so they can add on all of the electrical components (including, hopefully, some pretty sweet LEDs!).

As of today, we have finished up all of our CAD and shop drawings so we can fabricate the rest of the components of our robot. The shop drawings help us dimension and keep track of each of the parts. Some of the parts, like the one in the drawing below (which is for a rail on our shooter mechanism), are sent off to our main sponsor, Harris, who fabricates some of our more complex parts.

17 days until Stop Build Day!
-Student Blogger Katie and Ace Reporter Justin