Wednesday, January 26. 2011
I’ve got my thinking cap on, and well… what’s there to talk about? Well we started at our usual time, 6pm and everyone crammed into the basement classroom to enjoy a delicious chicken dinner with mashed potatoes, hot veggies and a wonderful dessert of strawberry shortcake and pound cake! Thank you to Andy’s family for such a fantastic meal.
Our students worked like bees to complete more of their tasks for each subsection of the robot, and the drivetrain is almost done! Both our mechanical teams have started to finalize their proto-type designs to test out throughout this week as more parts come in from sponsors. I can’t help but think about what an amazing relationship we have with our sponsors so much that they help to create a part of our robot!
Mentor Bear returned from a long term hiatus! We’re happy to welcome him and his camera back for some awesome build season photos which have been in short supply these past three weeks.
Psst..!! Have you checked out our wiki lately? Every team has been working to keep it updated with plenty of CAD drawings and plain paper sketches! Everything our team has designed so far is up for sharing and we welcome you to view it!