Leadership Bootcamp
Tuesday, December 22. 2015 I am writing this as a student that wants to be a leader. I have gone to many leadership seminars, overnights, week camps, you name it,…
Tuesday, December 22. 2015 I am writing this as a student that wants to be a leader. I have gone to many leadership seminars, overnights, week camps, you name it,…
Monday, March 30. 2015 Finger Lakes Regional was AMAZING!!!! Friday, we won the Team Spirit award (I helped with that ;o) ), then there was the afterparty which was Unbelieveable!!!…
Sunday, March 22. 2015 Mission: Infiltrate the Montreal Regional Competition and win the Chairman's Award. Mission accomplished. It's competitions like this one, with all of these amazing teams, that really…
Friday, March 20. 2015 06:23- Hotel has a free breakfast, complete with Canadian bacon (err... just bacon, I guess) and fantastic syrup. Meanwhile, our team captain is helping a few…
Thursday, March 19. 2015 06:54- Guess what day it is?? HUMP DAY!!!! In other words: Today is the day we leave for Montreal!! 07:31- I have forgotten my lady-bug pillow…
Tuesday, March 17. 2015 Guess what today is! It’s the LAST DAY BEFORE WE LEAVE FOR MONTREAL! Who’s excited??! We are! Tomorrow, half the team is leaving for Montreal, Canada.…
Thursday, March 12. 2015 One of the many teams that Rolling Thunder has supported is FTC Team 6996 Oncoming Storm. Oncoming Storm is a second year team with 15 students…
Friday, February 6. 2015 Today is a very important day for team 1511. Today, Friday, February 06, 2015, we met with Senator Funke. He took time out of his schedule…
Tuesday, January 20. 2015 Some people say that changing the world is too big of a job. That changing the way people live and grow is just too large of…